<aside> ❗ You must make sure to inform consumers about the fact that the product is not available before you gather and proceed with any personal data from consumers.


When conducting a consumer demand test, you are probably offering potential customers your product before it’s even built.

You should not disclose that information too early, to be sure that the data you acquire is based on the actual purchase intents of potential customers. This removes any bias or reservations they may have if they would be aware they are being tested.

Step-by-Step Guide 🪜

When collecting leads and asking people to confirm their email addresses, there are a few things you want to achieve:

  1. Understanding whether there is an actual purchase intent for your product idea by consumers visiting your landing page. This is indicated by clicking on the call-to-action buttons and then taking that extra step of reconfirming their email.
  2. Before collecting any email address or other personal data from consumers, you need to inform them on your page (e.g. in a pop-up) that your product is not available. It’s crucial to make sure they are aware of this before they submit any personal data.
  3. Make sure you comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR, by adding the email reconfirmation step after they signed up. You might want to build a list of leads you can communicate with about the product via email or any other channel, and you can only do so if interested consumers confirm their email addresses. Make sure you have got their consent via the email signup to contact them regarding anything related to this product or other products of your company.
  4. Include an additional confirmation page that reassures compliance and where you have the chance to thank the consumers for their interest, that they helped you a lot, and most importantly for understanding that the product is not available.

Worried about Brand Reputation?

You shouldn't need to be worried, as long as you transparently disclose the status of your product development in the context of the consumer demand test.

If you still have concerns, you can always try out our incognito service package. We offer to put a company of ours in the imprint on your landing page so visitors are unaware of who is actually behind such a test. If you’d like to discuss this with us, feel free to get in touch.

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